About the Hive80/Find a Cure Rx Discount Program
Hive80 and Find a Cure Rx have come together to help ensure that Americans will no longer have to choose between paying rent, buying clothing, putting food on the table, or paying for prescriptions that could save their lives, and the lives of their families.
In addition to saving you money on your prescriptions, a portion of each FREE pharmacy card prescription filled and every mail order plan will be donated to a medically focused charity, hospital, research center, or family in need.
LibertyRx is proud to be joining the collaborating efforts of Hive80/Find a Cure Rx which, like LibertyRx, excels in their founding principles and mission to help people and their families with having access to a platform offering professional consumer advocacy, trusted resources, and huge savings with USFDA approved drugs both at the local pharmacy and mail order. LibertyRx will act as the administration to the Hive80/Find a Cure Rx Discount Program.
Hive80.com- The #1 Online Community for Health, Wellness, and Medicine
Jennifer Banmiller, founder of Hive80.com, started her career as a professional consumer advocate in the product and drug recall business. She watched as thousands upon thousands of people called for help that was that was never going to arrive. She knew firsthand that if we could all help each other talk about and share health related experiences, both the good and the bad, then maybe the next Juul, mesh or opioid experience would not happen.
In 2019 Hive80.com was born. Hive80.com connects good people with the outstanding support they deserve by providing trusted resources. Hive80.com is a platform where you can build connections, gather help and information, and express yourself in the company of like-minded consumers and highly respected health and wellness experts.
Each hive in the Hive80 community represents a specific health and wellness area. Hive topics range from personal health to pet health, from recall announcements to fitness tips, and from aging and rejuvenation to so much more.
Find A Cure Rx
Jimmy McGonigle, his wife Kathy, and daughter Patty finally discovered a way that they could reciprocate for the “good life” they enjoyed over the years. It all began with a visit to Walter Reed Hospital. This visit resulted in the birth of the Help Soldiers Rx Free Discount Prescription Card in June of 2011.
Once realizing the immediate success of this program, Jimmy and his family expanded the program recipients to include BCRF (Breast Cancer Research Foundation) in 2012 and Find A Cure Rx, an Rx program that helps customers save money and at the same time gives back. Since March 2012, Find A Cure Rx has been giving back.
LibertyRx Prescription Plan
In 1999, LibertyRx began marketing their LibertyRx Prescription Program in all 50 states and Puerto Rico with the corporate office in Indianapolis, Indiana. Liberty’s customers include individuals, families, seniors, small & large businesses, associations, clubs, and unions. Liberty began offering a flat-fee monthly membership plan like AAA, Costco, Sam’s Club, BJ’s, etc., where members will have a pre-negotiated price for their prescriptions without incurring the high drugs pricing. This enables Liberty to offer (from their providers) lower pre-negotiated prices and greater savings to its members. LibertyRx’s simple and easy website price search will show the cheapest price for your prescriptions. Throughout 20 years in business, Liberty has never increased an existing member’s monthly membership plan fee.
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